Construction and health and safety are words that go hand in hand at Construct.  As we know within New Zealand, The Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 came into force on April 4th 2016 and under it businesses and individuals  face  increased regulatory responsibility and punishments for non-compliance.


At Construct however, we have never treated health and safety as a chore.  We believe proactive health and safety management is fundamental to good business and good staff - once again, it is about taking a genuinely personal approach to doing business.  As such we are delighted to have extensive, proactive health and safety guidelines in place as well as holding a Totika Category 2 Pre-Qualification.


To further our emphasis and commitment to Health & Safety, Construct also holds both Site Safe and SHE/LASS Pre-Qualification certifications.


Totika White BG               She Logo                   CHASNZ with maori white2                    sitesafe member

Maungakawa Residence NZIA 2013
Fastlane Fitness PCA 2015
Vera House, Hamilton NZIA 2021
Manning Street Apartments NZIA 2023
Coombes Residence NZIA 2023
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